Captain Cade & His 1st Sailboat Birthday!

August 09, 2011 :: Posted by - Sweet Flamingo Cake Co. :: Category - Cakes, Cupcakes

Little Captain Cade sailed into his first birthday with lot’s of fun and excitement! Surrounded by his friends & family this was a party not to miss! The Mini Cake, Smash Cake & Cupcakes were designed based on inspirations from the adorable hand-made cupcake toppers from Custom Celebrations!

Cake: Vanilla Bean & Triple Chocolate Fudge
Filling: Strawberry Puree
Frosting: Vanilla Bean Buttercream & Whipped Chocolate Ganache

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“Sailing Into His 1st Birthday”

July 10, 2011 :: Posted by - Sweet Flamingo Cake Co. :: Category - Cakes

Little Captain George recently turned 1! His cake was inspired by his nautical sailboat birthday invitation.

Cake: Strawberry
Filling: Whipped Cream
Frosting: Vanilla Bean Buttercream

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