Memorial Day Cupcakes
God bless America & our Troops!
Happy Memorial Day!
Cake: Chocolate Strawberry
Frosting: Vanilla Bean Buttercream
God bless America & our Troops!
Happy Memorial Day!
Cake: Chocolate Strawberry
Frosting: Vanilla Bean Buttercream
This cake was inspired from the unique party invitation created by designer, Jen Matthews. The handmade & painted crayon which adorned the base of this yummy confection, tricked many into thinking the candy crayons were real!
Cake: Triple Chocolate Fudge
Filling & Frosting: Vanilla Bean Buttercream
Fondant: Vanilla Butternut
“Who lives in a pineapple under the sea?” -This birthday cake!
Created for a little guy’s 8th birthday party full of “nautical nonsense!“
Cake: Chocolate Fudge
Filling & Frosting: Vanilla Bean Buttercream